Friday, November 11, 2016

Modi's secret agenda revealed

Modi's secret agenda revealed

First thing first... Did you exchange your old 500 and 1000 currencies? don’t worry you can do it till March 31 (Till Dec 30th in banks and after that in Reserve Bank till March 31st). One thing we all have observed is that though people little annoyed. But, they are happy at the steps taken by government. I will try to reveal the few the hidden agenda of Modi which are implemented, which made them to take a big step like De-monetizing currency

If you think that Mr.Modi and his team has De-monetized the currency abruptly or in a hurry, then you are wrong!!! This was all planned much before the elections and I believe Modi had a clear blueprint and it was just a matter of time for him to execute it at right time when his government and party needed.
I have listed steps taken by Modi ever since he took over the role as Prime minister, it clearly shows the motive behind it, no one saw it coming and the secrecy is main part in whole operations and we must also appreciate the bureaucrats who have maintained secrecy and supported him to do the good for the country.

1. Digital India: Many laughed at it! You may not know the approach and methodology of that and vision is taking nation forward economically and digitally. Economically how?? First thought that comes to my mind is preventing corruption at all stages and places by stopping corruption.

2. Jan Dhan Yojana: Do you know we created a Guinness world record for creating accounts. No other country in this world ever tried to take such step at this volume. This plan was successful in many ways than we think. People have invested 45,302 crore in this account so far. isn't a good plan for the growth of economy ?
When people questioned, he said account is required to stop GAS SCAM and linked account to return the subsidy money and it has worked! Because of that we get gas on time now than ever before.

3. Gold Monetization Scheme: Modi said this will improve the market liquidity and help people make money for the gold which is idle, if they monetize it, however it was not much successful. I think people who had lot of gold should have monetized it when they had a chance.
4. Clamping down on NGO: Modi Govt clamped down hundreds of NGO and cancelled their licenses. Do you know why? These NGO's receive money from abroad? Yes why would someone donate crores of rupees? It is Indian currency sent overseas and returned to NGO's of politicians, businessmen’s and bureaucrats. Now receiving money from overseas not impossible but it is quite difficult.

Finally DEMONETIZATION OF 500 AND 1000 CURRENCY! Don't you think all these above steps are interconnected and planned? For something big like replacing the 500 and 1000 currency.

Internet is available even in remote villages now and not all but new generation guys can do bank transaction online even in villages now. Though the 500 and 1000 are banned, you can buy anything online or through your debit and credit cards. Now almost everyone in India has an account.
If you have a lot of gold, government will question the source of income to buy the gold. At least legally you cannot show it anywhere.
If you have saved it abroad, you cannot get it back like before, you bank account is on monitored higher transaction all time, you cannot get it through NGO.

All these good steps are appreciated!

Hereafter, Modi cabinet should not misuse the opportunity they are getting with new currency, we are hearing many burning and throwing the bags of black money and fake currency on streets. Modi's cabinet members should not get corrupted and must go ahead with the taking good steps ahead.

I am not a pro-modi or against modi. I am just happy that we have someone who can at least trying to some good for people. It feels proud when world leaders are appreciating our prime minister.

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